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Contest: Win a 1000 € discount

Being self-determined, courageous and free - that’s what vanlife stands for and which should apply to all women in the world. Let's do this together: Leave your mail address at this page and, with a little bit of luck, win a CamperDays voucher to the value of 1000 €.

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Nic Interview


Navigating the ups and downs of social media, Nic speaks for women across the roads to dispel the stereotypes around female driving.

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Leanne Interview


Who says that women can’t drive? Check out Leanne's interview to see how she busts all the stereotypes surrounding women on the road… the statistics might even surprise you.

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If only women drove…

Have you ever heard someone say "You drive like a woman"? Yes, we have and we take this as a compliment. Because harmful stereotypes like "women can’t park" or "women can’t drive" have no place on the road. We all know they’re just plain wrong - and official studies in the UK even proved that women are the safer drivers.

Need some examples? By looking at the numbers of accidents in the UK (published by the Ministry of Justice) 658,711 drivers were convicted of motoring offenses. 539,142 of those were male, just 119,569 female. So in theory that means, if only women drove, these accidents could have been reduced by 81,85 %! Another study from the same year (by researchers of Newcastle University) concludes that women are better at driving semi-automated cars. The reason: women perform fewer hasty takeovers, have quicker reaction times and have more stable steering skills when operating one of the vehicles.

Don’t understand us wrong, we don’t want all men to hang up their car keys. But we want to show that there are still many prejudices and societal stereotypes when it comes to women driving - not only in the UK, but all over the world. 

So to all the VANtastic women behind the wheel: Be a proud driver and don’t let anyone put stones in your way. Get behind the wheel, hold your head up high and do the camper roadtrip you always wanted to do!

She Drives: woman driving